Dis- | Parameter Name | Set- | Range | Default | Appears If |
play | Description | tings |
sp;ll | Limit |
| always | ||
[SP.LL] | Set Point Limit Low |
| Clamp the operational limit low maximum |
| setting to this value. |
[`L;it] | Limit |
| [``no] No | No | always |
[ L.it] | Integrate |
| [`YES] Yes |
| In a limit state the controller will turn off |
| the outputs, terminate an active profile |
| and freeze PID and |
| tions. |
[Loop] |
[`Set] |
Loop Menu |
| |
[`h;Ag] | Loop |
| [`oFF] Off | PID | always |
[ h.Ag] | Heat Algorithm |
| [`Pid] PID |
| Set the heat control method. |
| [on;of] |
| |
[`C;Ag] | Loop |
| [`oFF] Off | Off | always |
[ C.Ag] | Cool Algorithm |
| [`Pid] PID |
| Set the cool control method. |
| [on;of] |
| |
[`C;Cr] | Loop |
| [`oFF] Off | Off | Cool Algorithm is set to |
[ C.Cr] | Cool Output Curve |
| [`Cr;A] Curve A |
| Off. |
| Select a special cool output curve to |
| [`Cr;b] Curve B |
| change the responsiveness of the system. |
| |
| |
[t;tUn] | Loop |
| [``no] No | No | Cool Algorithm or Heat |
[t.tUn] |
| [`YES} Yes |
| Algorithm is set to PID. | |
| Enable or disable the |
| adaptive tuning feature. |
[t;bnd] | Loop |
| 0 Auto | 0 | Cool Algorithm or Heat |
[t.bnd] |
| 1 to 100 |
| Algorithm is set to PID | |
| Set the range, centered on the set point, |
| and |
| within which |
| able is set to Yes. |
| fect. Use this function only if the controller |
| is unable to adaptive tune automatically. |
[`t;gn] | Loop |
| 1 to 6 Most to least respon- | 3 | Cool Algorithm or Heat |
[ t.gn] |
| sive |
| Algorithm is set to PID | |
| Select the responsiveness of the TRU- |
| and |
| TUNE+® adaptive tuning calculations. |
| able is set to Yes. |
| More responsiveness may increase over- |
| shoot. |
[t;Agr] | Loop |
| [Undr] Under damped | Critical | Cool Algorithm or Heat |
[t.Agr] | Autotune Aggressiveness |
| [Crit] Critical damped |
| Algorithm is set to PID. |
| Select the aggressiveness of the autotun- |
| [ouer] Over damped |
| ing calculations. |
| |
| |
[`UFA] | Loop |
| [`oFF] Off, sets output power | Off | always |
[ UFA] | User Failure Action |
| to 0% |
| Select what the controller outputs will do |
| [bPLS] Bumpless, maintains |
| when the user switches control to manual |
| same output power, if it was |
| mode. |
| less than 75% and stable, |
| otherwise 0% |
| [MAn] Manual Fixed, sets |
| output power to Manual |
| Power setting |
| [USEr] User, sets output |
| power to last |
| point the user entered |
Note: Some values will be rounded off to fit in the
Watlow | • 37 • | Chapter 6 Setup Page |