Diagnostic: Console switches and indica- tors.
Pressing each button, or turning the cycle se- lector to each cycle, should cause a beep tone and control one or more LEDs. Pressing the Hold To Start button will also control the motor and heater, while the
Diagnostic: Moisture Sensor
Locate the two metal strips on the face of the lint screen housing. Bridge these strips with a wet cloth or a finger. If a beep is heard, and a software revision number is displayed on the console, the sensor is okay. If not, or if a beep tone is heard before bridging the moisture strips, go to TEST #4, (Moisture Sensor Test), step 2, on page
Diagnostic: Door Switch
Opening the door should cause a beep tone and a number and letter to be indicated in the
Controls Status LEDs and turns on dryer
Start button
controls these
Control On button controls this LED
Cycle selector controls
LED where pointing
This button controls
the left digit
This button controls
the right digit
Each button controls all LEDs above button
Turns off all LEDs and exits diagnostic mode