Whirlpool MED / GD 9600S, MED / GD 9700S manual 33333333333, 123456783933345678933

Models: MED / GD 9600S MED / GD 9700S

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For best drying performance, rigid metal vents are





















Rigid metal vent is recommended to avoid crushing and













Flexible metal vents are acceptable only if accessible for















Flexible metal vent must be fully extended and supported




when the dryer is in its final location.




Remove excess flexible metal vent to avoid sagging and




kinking that may result in reduced airflow and poor











Do not install flexible metal vent in enclosed walls, ceilings or


Replace any plastic or metal foil vent with rigid or flexible







To reduce the risk of fire, this dryer MUST BE














45° elbows provide better airflow than 90 ° elbows.


Observe all governing codes and ordinances.




The dryer exhaust must not be connected into any gas vent,




chimney, wall, ceiling or a concealed space of a building.




















Clean lint from the entire length of the system and make sure





exhaust hood is not plugged with lint.










heavy metal vent.







Review Vent system chart. Modify existing vent system if

Use clamps to seal all joints.



necessary to achieve the best drying performance.









Exhaust vent must not be connected or secured with screws




or other fastening devices that extend into the interior of the



￿￿￿￿￿￿￿duct. Do not use duct tape.













Use a heavy metal vent. Do not use plastic or metal foil vent. 4" (10.2 cm) heavy metal exhaust vent and clamps must be

Recommended hood styles are shown here.

Vent products can be purchased from your dealer or by calling Maytag Services. For more information, see the ?Assistance or Service? section of this manual.


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The angled hood style (shown here) is acceptable.

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Whirlpool MED / GD 9600S, MED / GD 9700S manual 33333333333, 123456783933345678933