1234567869￿￿5￿26￿￿￿56￿2￿￿￿￿6￿54￿5￿Unscrew the removable conduit connector and any screws from a / " (1. cm) UL listed strain relief (UL marking on strain relief). Put the threaded section of the strain relief through the hole below the terminal block opening. Reaching inside the terminal block opening, screw the removable conduit connector onto the strain relief threads.


Put direct wire cable through the strain relief. The strain relief should have a tight fit with the dryer cabinet and be in a horizontal position. Tighten strain relief screw against the direct wire cable.

￿￿Now complete installation following instructions for your type of electrical connection:


(if 4-wire is not available)















A UL listed,

4-wire connection:

4-wire receptacle


(NEMA Type 14-30R)


120/240 volt

Power supply cord









30-amp, dryer





power supply







4-wire direct


A fused

4-wire connection:




disconnect or

Direct Wire




circuit breaker







3-wire receptacle


A UL listed,

3-wire connection:

(NEMA type 10-30R)


120/240 volt

Power supply cord









30-amp, dryer





power supply







3-wire direct


A fused

3-wire connection:



disconnect or

Direct Wire




circuit breaker



/ ￿




*If local codes do not permit the connection of a cabinet-ground conductor to the neutral wire, go to ?Optional 3-wire connection ? section.

￿￿￿￿￿￿!￿86123456789￿￿68￿49￿￿7￿93657￿￿￿￿￿￿7895￿7 A￿2*24!4￿￿￿8￿43)-￿￿￿￿￿wire6￿4connection￿5￿￿6￿￿￿￿/0￿￿8￿￿8￿￿44￿￿￿￿￿8￿￿￿￿4￿￿4￿￿!"#1is￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿4￿￿4￿￿￿required￿$￿4￿%for￿￿&'3(mobile homes

and where local codes do not permit the use of -wire connections. )2"+,-%2. (￿￿￿

"￿7Remove center silver-colored terminal block screw.

Remove neutral ground wire from external ground conductor screw. Connect neutral ground wire and the neutral wire (white or center wire) of power supply cord under center, silver-colored terminal block screw. Tighten screw.


Page 16
Image 16
Whirlpool MED / GD 9600S, MED / GD 9700S manual 648, 63#64456