Whirlpool MED / GD 9700S, MED / GD 9600S manual 12342, 147

Models: MED / GD 9600S MED / GD 9700S

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To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to


Select DRYNESS LEVEL to adjust how dry you want the

persons, read the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS before


load to be. The time displayed is an estimated length of

operating this appliance.




the cycle based on the Dryness Level selected. As the

Follow these basic steps to start your dryer. Please refer to


cycle runs, the control senses the dryness of the load and


adjusts the time automatically for the selected Dryness

specific sections of this manual for more detailed information.


























This manual covers several different models. Your dryer may not have89all of the cycles and features described.

Clean lint screen before or after each cycle. See Cleaning the Lint Screen.

￿9Place laundry in dryer and shut door.

Rotate the dial to select either an Automatic or Manual Cycle then press the CONTROL ON button. The preset settings and drying￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿2￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿time for the cycle chosen will be displayed.

Time is not adjustable for Automatic Cycles. Pressing

Point the dial to an Automatic Cycle.the Manual Dry Time (- or +) buttons will cause a triple beep, indicating that the time cannot be changed.

Press the EXTRA CARE feature button if this option is desired.


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Whirlpool MED / GD 9700S, MED / GD 9600S manual 12342, 147