
Sampling Mode [SAMPLING]

Sampling Jobs

The explanations here apply to Steps 4 – 8 of “Basic Procedure of the Sampling Jobs” on page 142.

01: Normalize

This Job maximizes (normalizes) the overall level of the specified User Voice. This is useful for bringing up the volume of a User voice that was inadvertently recorded at a low level.



Determines the post-normalization level of the User Voice. A setting of 100% maximizes the level so that the highest peak level in the User Voice is just below clipping (maximum digital signal level). Settings higher than 100% will raise the User Voice level above the maximum, producing deliberate clip- ping. Normally, set this to 100% or less.


1% – 800%



02: Time Stretch

This Job lets you change the length of the User Voice without changing the pitch. By using this Job, you can synchronize playback of the audio data included in the User Voice with Song/Click playback, since changing the length of the User Voice also changes the playback tempo of the audio data included in the User Voice.

1 2


Determines the length of the post-process Voice as a ratio of the length of the original Voice (100%). The tempo change and the appropriate Ratio value can be calculated as follows. Ratio value = (original tempo/modified tempo) x 100.


1% – 400%




Determines the quality of the resulting Voice by specifying which aspect of the original is to be emphasized: sound quality or rhythmic feel.


sound4 – sound1, normal, rhythm1 –





sound4 – sound1

These settings place emphasis on


sound quality, with the “sound4” set-


ting producing the highest sound




Produces an optimum balance of


sound quality and rhythmic feel.

rhythm1 – rhythm2

These settings place emphasis on


rhythmic feel, with the “rhythm2” set-


ting producing the most accurate


rhythmic feel.

03: Convert Pitch

This Job lets you change the pitch of the User Voice without changing the tempo.

1 2


Determines the amount and direction of pitch shift in semitone increments.


-12 – +0 – +12




Determines the amount and direction of pitch shift in cent increments. 1 cent is equivalent to 1/100th of a semitone.


-50 – +0 – +50



Sampling mode Chain mode Utility mode File mode Trigger mode Click mode Song mode Drum Kit mode Reference

DTXTREME III Owner’s Manual