Chapter 47 Configuration Mode Commands
Disables port mirroring on the Switch.
47.4.2 Resetting CommandsUse the no command to reset Switch settings to their default values.
no https timeout
Resets the https session timeout to default.
An example is shown next. The session timeout is reset to 300 seconds.
sysname(config)# no https timeout Cache timeout 300
47.4.3The no command can also be used to
no ip route <ip> <mask> inactive where
<ip> <mask> inactive | = |
| subnet mask. |
An example is shown next.
•Enable the IP route with the IP address of and subnet mask of This ip route must have already been created and made inactive prior to re- enable command being applied.
sysname(config)# no ip route inactive
47.4.4 Other Examples of no CommandsIn some cases the no command can disable a feature, disable an option of a feature or disable a feature on a port by port basis. trunk
no trunk <T1T2T3T4T5T6>
no trunk <T1T2T3T4T5T6> lacp
no trunk <T1T2T3T4T5T6> interface
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