Chapter 47 Configuration Mode Commands

radius-server timeout <1- 1000>

=Specifies the timeout period (in seconds) the Switch will wait for a response from a RADIUS server. If 2 RADIUS servers are configured, this is the total time the Switch will wait for a response from either server.

mode <priorityround-robin>= Specifies the way the Switch will process requests from the clients to the RADIUS server. (Only applicable with multiple RADIUS servers configured.)

priority - When a client sends an authentication request through the Switch to the RADIUS server. The Switch will forward the request to the RADIUS server. If no response within half the timeout period, it will forward the request to the second RADIUS server.

round-robin- When a client sends an authentication request through the Switch to the RADIUS server. The Switch will forward the request to the first RADIUS server. If there is no response within the timeout period, the request times out. The client sends an authentication request again and the Switch forwards the request to the second RADIUS server.

See Section 47.9.2 on page 401 for an example.

47.9.2 Port Authentication Settings

Use the port-access-authenticatorcommand to configure port security on the Switch. Syntax:

port-access-authenticator port-access-authenticator <port-list> port-access-authenticator <port-list> reauthenticate

port-access-authenticator <port-list> reauth-period <reauth-period>






Enables port authentication on the Switch.



Specifies which ports require authentication.





reauth-period <reauth- period>

=Enables reauthentication on the port.

=Specifies how often a client has to re-enter his or her username and password to stay connected to the port.

An example is shown next.

Specify RADIUS server 1 with IP address, port 1890 and the string secretKey as the password. See Section 47.9.1 on page 400 for more information on RADIUS server commands.



ES-4124 User’s Guide