
This chapter covers potential problems and possible remedies.

52.1 Problems Starting Up the Switch

Table 146 Troubleshooting the Start-Up of Your Switch



None of the LEDs

Check the power connection and make sure the power source is turned on.

turn on when you


If the error persists, you may have a hardware problem. In this case, you should

turn on the

contact your vendor.





52.2 Problems Accessing the Switch

Table 147 Troubleshooting Accessing the Switch



I cannot

Make sure the ports are properly connected.

access the

You may have exceeded the maximum number of concurrent Telnet sessions. Close

Switch using

other Telnet session(s) or try connecting again later.


Check that you have enabled Telnet service access. If you have configured a secured



client IP address, your computer’s IP address must match it. Refer to the chapter on


access control for details.



I cannot

The administrator username is “admin”. The default administrator password is “1234”.

access the

The username and password are case-sensitive. Make sure that you enter the correct


password and username using the proper casing. If you have changed the password


and have now forgotten it, you will need to upload the default configuration file. This


restores all of the factory defaults including the password.


If you have configured more than one IP interface, make sure another administrator is


NOT logged into the web configurator on a different IP interface using the same




Check that you have enabled web service access. If you have configured a secured


client IP address, your computer’s IP address must match it. Refer to the chapter on


access control for details.


Your computer’s and the Switch’s IP addresses must be on the same subnet.


See the following section to check that pop-up windows, JavaScripts and Java


permissions are allowed.





ES-4124 User’s Guide