Chapter 47 Configuration Mode Commands

Specify the timeout period of 30 seconds that the Switch will wait for a response from the RADIUS server.

Enable port authentication on ports 4 to 8.

Activate reauthentication on the ports.

Specify 1800 seconds as the interval for client reauthentication.

sysname(config)# radius-server host 1 acct-port 1890 key --> secretKey

sysname(config)# radius-server timeout 30 sysname(config)# port-access-authenticator sysname(config)# port-access-authenticator 4-8 sysname(config)# port-access-authenticator 4-8 reauthenticate sysname(config)# port-access-authenticator 4-8 reauth-period 1800



ES-4124 User’s Guide