Chapter 14 IGMP

14.3.1 IGMP Host Limitation Edit

Use this screen to control a LAN host’s access to IGMP services through the ZyXEL Device. Click Network Settings > IGMP Setting > IGMP Filter and then a LAN host’s Edit icon to open the following screen.

Figure 83 Network Settings > IGMP Setting > IGMP Filter > LAN Host Edit

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 58 Network Settings > IGMP Setting > IGMP Filter > LAN Host Edit



LAN Host

This is the IP address of one of the ZyXEL Device’s LAN hosts.



IGMP Enabled

Select whether or not the LAN device using the specified IP address is


allowed to access IGMP services through the ZyXEL Device.



Max Allowed

Specify to how many IGMP channels the LAN device is allowed to






Click Apply to save your changes back to the ZyXEL Device.




Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.





VSG1432-B101 Series User’s Guide