Chapter 6 Broadband


Table 8 Broadband: Add/Edit: Bridge Mode





Peak Cell Rate

Divide the DSL line rate (bps) by 424 (the size of an ATM cell) to find



the Peak Cell Rate (PCR). This is the maximum rate at which the sender



can send cells. Type the PCR here.This field is not available when you



select UBR Without PCR.





Sustain Cell

The Sustain Cell Rate (SCR) sets the average cell rate (long-term) that



can be transmitted. Type the SCR, which must be less than the PCR.



Note that system default is 0 cells/sec.



This field is available only when you select Non Realtime VBR or



Realtime VBR.





Maximum Burst

Maximum Burst Size (MBS) refers to the maximum number of cells that



can be sent at the peak rate. Type the MBS, which is less than 65535.



This field is available only when you select Non Realtime VBR or



Realtime VBR.





VLAN (These fields appear when the Type is set to VDSL or Ethernet)






Select this option to add the VLAN tag (specified below) to the outgoing



traffic through this connection.






IEEE 802.1p defines up to 8 separate traffic types by inserting a tag



into a MAC-layer frame that contains bits to define class of service.



Select the IEEE 802.1p priority level (from 0 to 7) to add to traffic



through this connection. The greater the number, the higher the



priority level.






Type the VLAN ID number (from 1 to 4094) for traffic through this









Click Apply to save your changes back to the ZyXEL Device.






Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.






VSG1432-B101 Series User’s Guide