Chapter 7 Wireless

7.2.3 More Secure (WPA(2)-PSK)

The WPA-PSK security mode provides both improved data encryption and user authentication over WEP. Using a Pre-Shared Key (PSK), both the ZyXEL Device and the connecting client share a common password in order to validate the connection. This type of encryption, while robust, is not as strong as WPA, WPA2 or even WPA2-PSK. The WPA2-PSK security mode is a newer, more robust version of the WPA encryption standard. It offers slightly better security, although the use of PSK makes it less robust than it could be.

Click Network Settings > Wireless to display the General screen. Select More Secure as the security level. Then select WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK from the Security Mode list.

Figure 26 Wireless > General: More Secure: WPA(2)-PSK

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 12 Wireless > General: More Secure: WPA(2)-PSK



Security Level

Select More Secure to enable WPA(2)-PSK data encryption.



Security Mode

Select WPA-PSKor WPA2-PSKfrom the drop-down list box.




Select this option to have the ZyXEL Device automatically generate a


password. The password field will not be configurable when you select


this option.




The encryption mechanisms used for WPA(2) and WPA(2)-PSK are the


same. The only difference between the two is that WPA(2)-PSK uses a


simple common password, instead of user-specific credentials.


Type a pre-shared key from 8 to 64 case-sensitive keyboard characters.




Click more... to show more fields in this section. Click less to hide







VSG1432-B101 Series User’s Guide