Chapter 35 Product Specifications

Table 113 Firmware Specifications (continued)

VDSL Standards

ITU-T G.993.1 VDSL Annex A (North American) Standard


ITU G.993.2 (2/06) VDSL2 Annex A (North American) Standard


• Corrigendum 1 (12/06) + Amendment 1 (4/07) + Amendment



1 Corrigendum 1 (7/07)


• Corrigendum 2 (7/07) + Amendment 2 (2/08) + Amendment 4






Supported band plans:


Plan 997



Plan 998


Supported profiles: 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 12a, 12b, 17a

POTS overlay, Supported US0 types: A (normal US0), M (extended

US0), - (no US0)

ITU G.994.1 (2/07) (G.hs) Handshake Amendment 1 (11/07) + Amendment 2 (4/08)

Supported Transport Protocol Specific Transmission Convergence (TPS-TC) functions:

PTM (via 64/65b encapsulation method defined in IEEE 802.3ah-2004)

HDLC encapsulation for pre-VDSL2 standard interoperability Impulse Noise Protection (INP) up to 16 symbols

SNR target met, delay maximized: The maximum allowable delay will be 16 ms for down and 16ms for up.

Support for ITU-T G.INP

Dying Gasp support

Modulation: Multi-Carrier-Modulation (MCM)

Interleaving: General Convolution

Support of maximum SNRM configuration (directed by the central office)

Seamless Rate Adaptation (SRA) as described in Amendment 1 of


Tone Spacing: 4.3KHz/8.6KHz



VSG1432-B101 Series User’s Guide