Autonomous System 349 default timer setting 352 error message 351 graft 350
how it works 349 implementation 349 probe 350
prune 350 report 350 setup 350 terminology 350 threshold 351
DVMRP (Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol) 349
dynamic link aggregation 177
egress port 135 Error Disable 77 error disable detect 311 error disable recovery
configuration 313 overview 309
Ethernet broadcast address 381, 451 Ethernet port test 424
Ethernet ports 38 default settings 39
summary address 341
exchange RIP and OSPF information 339 external authentication server 244
fan speed 103
FCC interference statement 477
file transfer using FTP command example 394
filename convention, configuration configuration
rules 145
filtering database, MAC table 443
flow control 114 back pressure 114 IEEE802.3x 114
forwarding delay 163
frames tagged 125 untagged 125
front panel 37
file transfer procedure 394 restrictions over WAN 395
GARP 118
GARP (Generic Attribute Registration Protocol)
GARP terminology 118 GARP timer 109, 118 general features 468 general setup 104 getting help 56
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) 105
and port assignment 125
GVRP (GARP VLAN Registration Protocol) 118
hardware installation 33 mounting 34
hardware monitor 102 hardware overview 37 hello time 163
hops 163
HTTPS 415 certificates 415 implementation 415
public keys, private keys 415
| 483 |