Chapter 6 Tutorials

6.6.2 Creating a Private VLAN Rule

Follow the steps below to configure private VLAN for VLAN 123.

1Click Advanced Application > Private VLAN.

2In the Private VLAN screen, select Active.

Enter a descriptive name (PrivateVLAN123 for example) in the Name field and enter 123 in the VLAN ID field.

List the port(s) that can communicate with any port in VLAN 123 (5 in this example). Then other ports in this VLAN (2, 3 and 4 for example) will be added to the isolated port list and cannot send traffic to each other.

Click Add.

3Click the Save link in the upper right corner of the web configurator to save your configuration permanently.

From port 2, 3, or 4, you should be able to access the device that attachs to port 5, such as a server or default gateway.



XGS-4526/4528F/4728F User’s Guide