Quality and Reliability Requirements
EQuality and Reliability Requirements
E.1 Intel Verification Criteria for the Reference Designs
E.1.1 Reference Heatsink Thermal Verification
The Intel reference heatsinks will be verified within specific boundary conditions using a TTV and the methodology described in the Intel® Xeon® Dual- and Multi- Processor Family Thermal Test Vehicle User's Guide.
The test results, for a number of samples, are reported in terms of a
+3σ value for thermal characterization parameter using real processors (based on the TTV correction offset).
E.1.2 Environmental Reliability Testing
E.1.2.1 Structural Reliability Testing
The Intel reference heatsinks will be tested in an assembled condition, along with the LGA771 Socket. Details of the Environmental Requirements, and associated stress tests, can be found in the LGA771 Socket Mechanical Design Guide.
The use condition environment definitions provided in Appendix
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