Appendix E: Printer Control Codes / | Annexe E: Codes de commande d’imprimante |
Anhang E: Steuercodes des Druckers | / Appendice E: Codici di controllo della stampante |
This appendix lists the printer’s control commands. It gives the name of each control command, along with the applicable emulation mode (Standard, IBM, or Both), and the applicable ASCII code.
Font and Character Set Control Commands
Description | Mode | ASCII Code |
Select italic | STD | ESC 4 |
Cancel italic | STD | ESC 5 |
Select Character Set #2 | Both | ESC 6 |
Select Character Set #1 | Both | ESC 7 |
Select Draft 10 CPI | IBM | ESC I00H |
Select Draft 12 CPI | IBM | ESC I08H |
Select Draft 17 CPI | IBM | ESC I10H |
Select LQ 10 CPI | IBM | ESC I02H |
Select LQ 12 CPI | IBM | ESC I0AH |
Select LQ 17 CPI | IBM | ESC I12H |
Select Proportional LQ | IBM | ESC I03H |
Select international character set | STD | ESC Rn |
Set Code Page | Both | ESC [T |
Set print quality | IBM | ESC [d |
Print characters from all character chart | IBM | ESC \n1 n2 |
Print one character from all character chart | IBM | ESC ^n |
Select Standard Character Table | Both | ESC t0 |
Select IBM Character Table | Both | ESC t1 |
Set download characters in “00H - 7FH” area to “80H - FFH.” | STD | ESC t2 |
Select Draft Mode | STD | ESC x0 |
Select LQ Mode | STD | ESC x1 |
Print Pitch Control Commands
Description | Mode | ASCII Code |
Select one line expanded print | Both | SO |
Same as SO | Both | ESC SO |
Select condensed print | Both | SI |
Same as SI | Both | ESC SI |
Cancel condensed print | STD | DC2 |
Set print pitch to pica | IBM | DC2 |
Cancel | Both | DC4 |
Set print pitch to elite | IBM | ESC : |
Set print pitch to elite | STD | ESC M |
Set print pitch to pica | STD | ESC P |
Cancel proportional print | IBM | ESC P00H |
Select proportional print | IBM | ESC P01H |
Cancel expanded print | Both | ESC W0 |
Select expanded print | Both | ESC W1 |
Set print pitch to 15 CPI | STD | ESC g |
Cancel proportional print | STD | ESC p0 |
Select proportional print | STD | ESC p1 |
Top/Bottom Margin and Vertical Tab Commands
Description | Mode | ASCII Code |
Advance paper to next vertical tab position | Both | VT |
Select VFU channels | STD | ESC /n |
Set vertical tab positions | Both | ESC Bn…NULL |
Set bottom margin | Both | ESC Nn |
Cancel bottom margin | Both | ESC O |
Set all tabs to power on defaults | IBM | ESC R |
Set VFU in a channel | STD | ESC bnm…NULL |