Panasonic IMC80A specifications Configuration of Data Block, Protocol Parameter

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Configuration of Data Block

A data block to be transmitted in physical phase is configured as illustrated below:

1 byte






(N bytes)

check sum


: This is the number of command bytes (0 - 240),


which indicates the number of parameters needed by a command.


: This defines a module ID assigned to parameter No.00 axis name of the driver. (1 - 15)


: This is the control command (0 - 15).


: This is the command execution mode (0 - 15),


which differs depending on a command.

check sum

: This is 2’s complement of the total number of bytes, ranging from the first byte to the byte immedi-


ately before the checksum byte.

Protocol Parameter

The following parameters can control transfer of a block. A user can set these parameters to any value with INIT command to be described later.




Initial Value

Range of Settings





Timeout between character transmissions

5 (0.5 second)

1 - 255

0.1 second




Protocol time limit

10 (10 seconds)

1 - 255

1 second




Retry limit

1 (once)

1 - 8






0 (slave)

0, 1(master)


T1 .... •

This is allowable time between module identification byte and ENQ/EOT, or time from reception of a



character code by this device to that of a next character code in a transmission/reception data block.



When this specified time is exceeded, timeout error occurs and NAK is returned to the transmitting








T2 .... •

This is allowable time after this device transmits ENQ till it receives EOT. When this specified time is



exceeded, it means that the receiving module is not ready to receive data or fails to receive ENQ code



for some reason. In this case, ENQ code will be resent to the receiving module (number of retries).

This is allowable time after EOT is sent out till a first character is received. When this specified time is exceeded, NAK is returned and the receiving mode ends.

This is allowable time after checksum byte is sent out till ACK is received. When this specified time is exceeded, ENQ code is resent to the receiving module, as in the case of reception of NAK.

RTY ..... This shows the maximum number of retries. When this specified value is exceeded, transmission error


M/S ..... This shows switching of a master/slave. When conflict of ENQ transmission occurs, this parameter

determines to which priority is given. (0=slave mode, 1=master mode) Transmission of the module defined as a master should take precedence.


Image 8
Contents Reference Outline of PANATERM, Setup Support Software Installing Panaterm on Hard DiskSteps of Procedure Connection MethodReference Starting PanatermCommunications Outline of CommunicationsRS232C Communications Communications SpecificationConnection of Communications Line Handshaking Code Communications MethodList of User Parameters Related to Communications Transmission Sequence Transmission Protocol Line ControlConfiguration of Data Block Protocol ParameterExample of Data Communication Example of Changing Parameters State Transition Diagram RS232C Communications Waiting for EOTCommunications Timing RS232C Communications List of Communications Commands Details on Communications Commands167 168 Reference 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 Description on Dividing/Multiplier Ratio Example Conformance to EC Directives/UL Standards EC DirectivesEMC Directives Applicable StandardsPower EnvironmentCircuit Breaker Peripheral EquipmentNoise Filter Surge AbsorberNoise Filter for Signal cables GroundingLeakage Breaker Conformance to UL StandardsOptional Parts MINAS-E Series Table of Junction Cable by ModelJunction Cable for Encoder Junction Cable for Motors Robotop 600V DPConnector Kits for Power Supply of the Driver Wire rodName NumberName Manufacturer’s part No Number Remarks Connector Kits for Connection of Motor and EncoderManufacturer Wire rod Pin arrangement of connector for junction of encoder cable Number Manufacturer Remarks Connector Kit for Connection with Host ControllerInterface Cable for Connection with Host Controller Console Communications Cable Connection with Personal ComputerPANATERM, software for communications control DIN Rail Mounting Unit Manufacturer’s Specification Remarks Ohmic ValueExternal Regenerative Resistor Reactor Driver VoltageOutline Rated Output Reactor Part No Inductance RatedRecommended Parts Surge Absorber for Motor BrakeList of Manufacturers of Peripheral Equipment Motor Surge Absorber for Motor BrakeDimensional Outline Drawing Motor Muma Series 50W to 400W Output 50W, 100W 230mm 200W, 400W 220mmSpecification of Keyed Version Allowable Load of Output Shaft OperationThrust Load Direction BMotor Characteristics S-T Characteristics Reference Checking Model of Servo Motor with Gear How to check the modelServo Motor with Gear Applicable Motors with Gear Applicable Drivers Incremental Specification 2500 P/rCheck the Combination of Driver and Motor with Gear Dimensional Outline Drawing of Motor with Gear Servo Motor with GearDetailed View of Shaft End Requests Concerning Installation Allowable Load of Output Shaft of Servo Motor with Gear100V 200V 200WDriver Internal Diagram Control BlockSpecifications Driver MotorHit-and-stop Initialization ZEROSPD/TC WarnHit-and-stop Initialization and Load Pressing Control Load Pressing ControlIndex Encoder Incremental specification 2500P/r 211 Recommended Parts Surge Absorber for Motor Brake 192 213 Reference Memo Electronic data of this manual After-Sale Service RepairRepair