Curve: The keyboard's velocity curve. The available settings are Linear, EXP1, and EXP2.
Sensitivity: The keyboard's overall velocity sensitivity. The available range is
Pad Threshold: The velocity threshold to trigger the pads. The available range is
Velocity Curve: The pads' velocity curve. The available settings are Linear, EXP1, EXP2, Log1, and Log2.
Velocity Sense (Sensitivity): The pads' overall velocity sensitivity. The available range is
Tempo: The global tempo as indicated in beats per minute. When MAX25 is using its internal MIDI clock, this global tempo setting determines the speed of the Arpeggiator, Sequencer, and Note Repeat rate. The available range is 30 – 300 BPM.
Tap Average: The number of times you would need to press [TAP TEMPO] to enter a new tempo. The available range is
Tempo LED: When MAX25 is using its internal MIDI clock, the [TAP TEMPO] LED will flash in time with the current tempo setting. You can set this feature to On or Off.
Source: Determines whether MAX25 uses its Internal MIDI clock or refers to an External clock (e.g., from a DAW).
CV/Gate Out: This determines how data is sent out of the CV OUT and GATE OUT:
•Key/Seq: The data from the keyboard, Arpeggiator, and Sequencer will be sent out. The keyboard will send out 1V per octave (lowest C = 0V).
•Pads: The data from the pads will be sent out, with the notes sent corresponding to the pads' note values (if a note is assigned).
•Common (Channel): When connected via USB, the data sent to MAX25 over the common channel and port will be sent out. When not connected via USB, the data sent to the MAX25 over the MIDI IN on the common channel will be sent out.
•USB 1A – 16A, 1B – 16B: When connected via USB, the data sent to MAX25 over the selected channel and port will be sent out. When not connected via USB, the data sent to the MAX25 over the MIDI IN on the selected channel will be sent out, but Port B will be ignored.
•Seq: Note On and Note Off events from the Sequencer will be sent out.
•Seq CC: MIDI CC events from the Sequencer will be sent out of the CV OUT. Note On and Note Off events from the Sequencer will be sent out of the GATE OUT.
•Pbend: MIDI events from the PITCH BEND WHEEL will be sent out of the CV OUT. Note On and Note Off events from the Sequencer will be sent out of the GATE OUT.
•Modwhl: MIDI CC events from the MOD WHEEL will be sent out of the CV OUT. Note On and Note Off events from the Sequencer will be sent out of the GATE OUT.
•ExpPedl: MIDI CC events from an attached expression pedal will be sent out of the CV OUT. Note On and Note Off events from the Sequencer will be sent out of the GATE OUT.
•Fadr1CC – 8CC: MIDI events from the selected fader
•CC messages will be sent only if the associated control is set to send them.
•When Pbend, Modwhl, ExpPedl, or