in Boolean query expressions, 37 - character in Boolean expressions, 37
access control list (ACL) definition, 11
audit log repository, 15, 28
See access control list AND queries, 37 archived attachments, 42 archived documents
searching from RISS Outlook Interface, 41 archiving
definition, 11 attachments proxy definition, 42
audience, 7
audit log repository accessing, 15, 28
audit queries, 23
Boolean queries characters, 33 expressions, 37 nested, 38
case sensitivity Boolean queries, 37 matching words, 35 word characters, 33
RISS Web Interface password, 31 user account settings in Outlook, 43
characters, 33 clearing
offline cache, 46
indexing, definition, 12 control list
definition, 11 conventions
document, 8 text symbols, 8
results to a quarantine repository, 27
default Boolean connective (AND), 37 definition
access control list (ACL), 11 archiving, 11 attachments proxy, 42 document, 11
indexing documents, 12
matching, Boolean query expression , 37 repository, 11
RISS, 11
RISS Search Results folder, 40 routing rule, 11
rule, routing, 11 deleting
quarantine repositories, 27 query or search results, 27 saved criteria, 26
digits, 34 displaying
archived attachments, 42 exported results, 41 Message ID, 19 results, 20
saved criteria, 26 saved results, 26
document conventions, 8 definition, 11 feedback, 9 prerequisites, 7 related documentation, 7
document archiving explanation, 11
edit distance, word matching, 36 email attachments
opening or saving in RISS Outlook Interface, 42
offline cache, 45 exported results
displaying, 41 exporting
query or search results, 24
User Guide | 49 |