Conair GB/ WSB manual

Page 73

RETRIES: (DATA line 3 and 1, FIRST and FINAL dispense)

When FIRST time dispense, (DATA line 3), does not equal FINAL dispense, (DATA line 1), one or more retries have occurred. Retries are evidence of a problem that will also cause percentage errors.

Retries may indicate possible problems; perhaps the hopper ran out of material, or the flow rate is so erratic that the first dispense was short for no good reason. Parameters _RT and _RP determine what shortage error is necessary to force a retry.


Check the RATE numbers, (DATA line 2), to determine each dispense device.

In the example above:

In the REGRIND column, 18224 and 976 translate to 1822.4 grams in 4 seconds (244 interrupts = 1 sec), or 455.6 grams per second, typical for a regrind flowing through 3" round or 2"x3" dispense valves.

In the NATURAL column, 19993 and 488 indicate 1999.3 grams in 2 seconds, or 999.6 grams per second flow rate. This is a heavy natural material, not polyethylene. Perhaps Lexan or a glass filled material.

In the COLOR column, 12973 and 31232 indicate 1297.3 grams per 31232 interrupts, or 128 seconds, for a flow rate of 9.99 grams per second. This is a 1 inch auger feeder, from which we would typically expect about 8 grams per second. More recent auger feeders use faster motors delivering about 16 grams per second.

In the ADDITIVE column, 10240 and 31232 indicate a flow rate of 8 grams per second EXACTLY. Since it is exact, and since these two numbers are, in fact, the "default" settings from when the blender was first installed, we know that "Additive" has never been run on this blender, or at least not since the last "CLEAR ALL" was performed.

DATA line 3 dispense weight of 0.0 for additive, and the TOP-OF-PAGE heading showing Additive set to 00.0 percent also confirm that Additive is not being run.

The following information will help you determine what devices are in place on a blender.



Approximate grams



1/2 inch augers, micro pulse





1 inch augers, 60 RPM motors





1 inch augers, 120 RPM motors





100 series valves dispense





3" round and

2x3 inch valves





900 and 1800

series large 3x6 valves


to 5000

3" round and

2x3 valves with

flow restrictors




Regrinds are always lower then naturals. Bulk density

will also cause

wide variations in

flow rates.





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Image 73
Contents Gravimetric Blenders Date Manual Number UGB006/1103 Serial numbers Model numbers Part Hardware Maintenance Part Troubleshooting / SoftwareFour Component Software Part OperationCheck OUT Procedure Assembly InstructionsSpecial Features Proceed to Safety Hazards NextSafety Features Safety Interlock Switch Safety Hazards MIX BladesProceed to Assembly Next Additional MIX Blade HazardDisclaimers Load Cells are Easily Damaged Part AssemblyPlease Be Careful On the NextPage Proceed to Check OUT Procedure Next Wiring ConsiderationsTurn Power on Procedure What should Happen Plug in ControllerAT this Point Touch Weigh BIN Very LightlyPress REG KEY Press Alarm KEYLED # Press NAT KEYPage Exit PasswordBe Sure Part Operation Load Cell CalibrationCAL OFF CALOper Proceed to Normal Operation NextOperate COLMicro Pulse Selected Models Special InstructionsGB/WSB MB GB/WSB 240RPower OFF If Problems DevelopPower on Instructions for Normal OperationNormal Operating Sequence Each Cycle Exit Regrind ROM OK Eight Character DisplayStrobe Light and Beeper Alarms Right Column AlarmsAlarm Silence LED LightsMixer Motor Outlet Mixer Motor ON/OFF/TIMED SwitchMixer Motor Fuse Keypad Internal FusesDate Recipe Keypad Automatic Operation ModeRUN RCPBtch SaveTABLE, FLG Page TAG FastALL Keypad Manual ModeTime ADD TimedPage Keypad Program Mode Star Functions ParaYLD Ctrl Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Parameter List Brief Explanations ParametersMIX Time XXX RLO Page CPL Full Explanation of Parameters MPO No ALARM, no RetriesMIX BER KDF / WDFPage ROV Page Example RHL is Set 10 percent Page SET SettingPage Page Page Page Page TCV + TRC XCV + XRCXTP XUL XALLIQ PTDMCT Page FLG RPO NPO CPO Parameter Default Settings Four SoftwareAPO MPO RAL NAL CAL AAL MIX JOGRTI NPT CPT APT RWTNWT NTIChanging Parameters Prnt Prnt OFFREG Natural COL TotalFinal DISP,% What to Check for Page Page Page Time Special TestsTime Natural Calibrate NaturalPARAMETER, PRT Material Usage InformationDate Time Totals Grand PCT Current Cycles Last Printed 11/01/90Part IV Troubleshooting What to do Increasing Throughput Typical Problems Page Normal Operating Sequence Material Runs OUT Verifying Load Cell Function CNT OFF Load Cell RAW Signal ReadoutCNT Results to Expect Clear ALL Restart Clear RoutineCore Dump Weigh BIN Dump Valve Soft Close Clean OUT Issues MIX Problems Page Zero Recalibration of Load CellsWait FullDispense Gates Blender Preventive MaintenanceLoad Cells Weigh BinsThese Instructions for Totalizers only Stop END of Cycle Special Totalizer FunctionBlender TotalizeComputer Outputs Wiring Supplement Call Appendix A-2 Gravimetric Batch Blenders Autoweigh GBM Series Models SpecificationsTOP View Front View Side View Gravimetric Batch Blenders AutoWeigh GB100 Series ModelsGravimetric Batch Blenders GB 220 and 420 Models 120V/1 phase/50-60 Hz 240V/1 phase/50-60 HzTOP View Mounting Interface Gravimetric Batch Blenders AutoWeigh GB240 and GB440 Models2124 Gravimetric Batch Blenders AutoWeigh GB900 Series ModelsGB1840 GB1860 Gravimetric Batch Blenders AutoWeigh GB1840 and 1860 ModelsControl Remote Mounted Models WSBM22 WSBM131 WSBM140 Gravimetric Batch Blenders Wsbm Series modelsSide View Front View Side View, R Model Front View, R Model Gravimetric Batch Blenders WSB 100 and 100R Models24.4 Gravimetric Batch Blenders WSB 220 and 420 ModelsWSB442 Gravimetric Batch Blenders WSB 240/440 and 240/440R ModelsGravimetric Batch Blenders WSB 1840, 1850 and 1860 Models Appendix C Appendix C Appendix C Appendix C Appendix C Appendix C Appendix C Appendix C