el 660
NEVER PRESSURIZE FRYER TO CLEAN. Leave the lid open. Water under pressure is super heated and will cause severe burns if it comes in contact with skin.
Never heat the cleaning solution to the boiling point. If the cleaning solution in the cookpot starts to foam and boil over, DO NOT TRY TO CONTAIN IT BY CLOSING THE FRYER LID, or severe burns could result.
Do not use steel wool, other abrasive cleaners or cleaners/sanitizers containing chlorine, bromine, iodine, or ammonia chemicals, as these will deteriorate the stainless steel material and shorten the life of the unit.
Make sure the inside of the cookpot, the drain valve opening, and all parts that come in contact with the new shortening are as dry as possible.
2.If a solid shortening is used, it can be melted into a liquid first, then poured into the cookpot. Attempting to melt solid shortening in the cookpot may cause burning or scorching of the fresh shortening.