Configuring Advanced Server Features
The Standby Member field is used to permit the selection of one team member to handle traffic, if all other members in the Load Balance Member list fail (failover). The selected Standby Member will not handle any traffic unless all Load Balance Members fail. When one load balance member (or more) is restored
Teaming configuration is optional. Before configuring Teaming, see the “NIC Teaming” in Key Protocols and Interfaces.
Configuring Teaming consists of the following tasks:
■Accessing the Advanced Server Features Driver Properties interface
■Creating teams
■Adding NICs to the teams
■Assigning IP addresses to the teams
Each of these tasks is described below, along with procedures describing how to delete NICs from a failover team and how to delete a team.
Accessing the Advanced Server Features Driver Interface
Use this procedure to access the NIC properties for teaming configuration:
1Click the Start menu, and then select Settings/Control Panel.
2Select Network and
The Advanced Server Features window appears.
Interface components of the Advanced Server Features driver properties window are described below:
■Select or enter a team name.
This entry field is used to select or enter a team name.
■Unassigned NICs
This list displays all of the Ethernet NICs that are available to be added to a team. Because each NIC can be added to only one team, the NIC is removed from this list after it has been assigned to a team.
■Team Type
Load Balance and Failover: Load balancing
FEC/GEC: Also known as general trunking. No standby NIC is allowed when this option is selected.
■Team members
This list displays all NICs that belong to a selected team. Standby NICs
This list displays the standby NIC selected for failover for a selected team. VLAN List
This list displays all the VLANs that have been created for the selected team.
Creating a Team and Assigning NICs
A failover team comprises at least one primary NIC (a standby NIC is optional). Each NIC can belong to only one team. To configure a new failover team, access the Advanced Server Features Driver Properties window and perform the following steps:
1Enter a team name in the “Select or enter a team name” entry field.
2Click Create Team.