Solaris Driver Setup
The Solaris Release 8 driver is released in two formats:
1BRCMbcme.pkg (datastream format)
2BRCMbcme.tar.Z (compressed and TAR file system format)
Driver Installation
To install the Solaris driver:
1Change to the directory in which BRCMbcme.pkg resides.
2Perform one of the following two substeps:
a pkgadd -d BRCMbcme.pkg or
b Copy BRCMbcme.tar.Z to /tmp cd /tmp
uncompress BRCMbcme.tar pkgadd
3Execute prtconf to determine the instance number of the NIC.
4ifconfig bcme[instance_number] plumb
5ifconfig bcme[instance_number] ip_address netmask…
To make these changes permanent:
1Using a text editor, create a file named hostname.bcme[instance_number] in the / etc directory.
2Add the IP address of the interface of this file, then save and exit.
3Add a proper subnet mask to the file /etc/netmasks.
Uninstalling the Driver
To uninstall the Solaris driver:
1ifconfig bcme[instance_number] down
2ifconfig bcme[instance_number] unplumb
3pkgrm BRCMbcme