BInstalling and Using the Managed PC Boot Agent
Non-BBS BIOS-Compatible PCs
To enable a
1Make sure that the NIC boot ROM setting is Enabled. See “” on page 106 for instructions.
2Change the MBA default boot setting from Local to Network.
To change the default boot setting or any other MBA configurations, use the MBACFG utility located on the MBA utility diskette or press Ctrl+Alt+B when the following message appears:
Initializing MBA. Press Ctrl+Alt+B to configure...
NOTE: For more information on using, configuring, and troubleshooting the MBA boot ROM, see the Managed PC Boot Agent User Guide, located with the MBA software on the Installation CD.
Enabling or Disabling the Boot ROM Setting
To enable the boot ROM setting on the NIC:
1Run b57util.exe from the \dos\utility directory in the 3Com Installation CD.
run b57util pxee <devnum>
where <devnum> represents the NIC device number (entering all affects all supported NICs on the network).
To view all command options for this utility, enter: run b57util help.
To disable the boot ROM setting on the NIC:
1Run b57util.exe from the \dos\utility directory in the 3Com Installation CD.
run b57util pxed <devnum>
where <devnum> represents the NIC device number (entering all affects all supported NICs on the network).