9Enter a valid domain name.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter DNS Server IP address []:
10Enter a valid Domain Network System (DNS) Server IP address.
The following prompt and a list of timezones is displayed:
Enter the index of timezone
11Enter the index number of the timezone that you want the Webcache to operate in.
Enter 7 if you want to select (T - 06:00) Central Time (US).
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter time option (NTP,manual) [manual]:
12Enter either NTP (Network Time Protocol) or manual.
■If you entered NTP, the following prompt is displayed:
Enter NTP server IP address []:
Enter a valid NTP server IP address.
■If you entered manual, the following prompt is displayed:
Enter date [dd/mm/yy]:
Enter a valid date.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter time: [hour:min:sec]
Enter a valid time.
The date and time are set as soon as you press Return.
13The following prompt is displayed:
Old password:
14Enter the current password for the admin user.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter new password:
If you press Return without entering a password, the password is set to <no password>.