3M™ Dynatel™ Advanced Modular System 965AMS | System Setup |
2.Use the up and down arrow keys to select the units
you want to change. Press to change the units of measure. An “X” in a box indicates your choice.
Distance: Feet or Meters: This affects all distances displayed in the 965AMS tester.
Degrees: Fahrenheit or
Centigrade: This affects all temperatures used in the 965AMS tester.
The 965AMS tester features a dBrnP filter for noise tests in New Zealand. To set the default noise filter to dBrnP, set Filter option to CCITT. This filter is used only in units sold in New Zealand; for all other countries, the CCITT option uses a dBrnOp filter. Noise test results will be displayed as dBrnP.
TDR: Vp (Velocity Propagation) or m/µS (meters
per microsecond): This affects the TDR “velocity of propagation.” Use “Vp” in the US and Canada. Use “m/µS” in other countries. Press OK to accept any changes and
return. Use the key to return to the Welcome Screen without making changes.