Limit Testing
Remote Interface Operation: You can use the following commands for
limit testing.
CALCulate:FUNCtion LIMit
CALCulate:LIMit:LOWer {<value>|MINimum|MAXimum}
CALCulate:LIMit:UPPer {<value>|MINimum|MAXimum}
There are two unused pins on the RS-232 interface connector whi ch
are available to indicate the pass/fail status of readings taken with
limit testing. To configure these pins for limit testing, you must
install two jumpers inside the multimeter. See the Service Guide for
more information.
A low-going pulse is output to pin 1 for each reading that is within
the specified limits. A low-going pulse is output to pin 9 for each
reading that exceeds the upper or lower limit.
Caution Do not use the RS-232 interface if you have configured the multimeter to
output pass/fai l signals on pi ns 1 and 9. Inte rnal components on the
RS-232 interface circuitry may be damaged.
5 V
0 V
2 ms
Pin 1: Pa ss Output
Pin 9: Fa il Ou tp ut
Chapter 3 Features and Functions
Math Operations