AMX Overview
Section Summary
This manual is divided into three sections. Each section is divided into chapters.
Section 1 of this manual describes the AMX Multitasking System and how it is used.
Separate chapters are provided for each of the AMX managers.
Section 2 describes the AMX System Configuration Builder and the manner in which it is
used to create your AMX System Configuration Module.
Section 3 is the application programming guide. It provides detailed descriptions of all of
the AMX service procedures which are available in the AMX Library.
AMX Guides
This manual describes the use of AMX 86 for all target processors on which it can be
used. Target specific requirements or programming considerations are provided only
when necessary to clarify proper operation on a particular processor.
This manual describes the use of AMX in a tool set independent fashion. References to
specific assemblers, compilers, librarians, linkers, locators and debuggers are purposely
omitted. The AMX 86 Tool Guide provides guidance for the proper use of AMX with
each toolset with which AMX has been tested.
Guidelines for the proper use of AMX when coding in C are provided in the separate
AMX 86 C Programming Guide. This guide includes useful debugging tips as well as a
description of the AMX Sample Program provided with AMX.
The AMX 86 Timing Guide discusses general timing issues related to the use of AMX.
Timing metrics generated for specific boards and software development toolsets are also
provided. These timing figures can be used as guidelines to expected AMX performance,
but are not to be construed as product specifications. The AMX Timing Guide is
provided as an appendix in the AMX 86 Tool Guide.
The AMX 86 PC Supervisor is delivered with AMX for use
in the development of applications which must run on PCs
with access to PC peripherals and DOS.
The AMX 86 PC Supervisor Reference Manual is provided
in its own section of this manual.