AMX Overview
Message Queue An AMX data structure used to manage messages sent to a task
mailbox or message exchange. A separate message queue is
provided for each of the four message priorities which a task or
message exchange can support.
Message Priority Identifies which of a task's or message exchange's four message
queues is to receive the AMX message.
Nonconforming ISP An Interrupt Service Procedure which bypasses AMX completely
and hence cannot use any AMX service procedures.
RAM Alterable memory used for data storage and stacks.
Resource Semaphore A particular type of AMX semaphore used to provide access to an
entity such as a math coprocessor, disk file or non-reentrant library
whose ownership is to be controlled by the AMX Semaphore
Restart Procedure An AMX or application procedure executed by AMX during the
initialization phase when an AMX system is started.
ROM Read only memory of all types including PROMs, EPROMs and
Segment An area of memory in which AMX code or data is stored.
Segments are sometimes called sections or regions according to the
nomenclature adopted for a particular processor.
Semaphore An AMX data structure which can be used by the AMX
Semaphore Manager to provide an event signalling mechanism or
mutually exclusive access by tasks to specific user facilities.
Semaphore Id The handle assigned to a semaphore by AMX for use as a unique
semaphore identifier.
Slice Interval The interval of time allocated to a task which is time sliced.
Slot One of n locations used to store list elements in a circular list.
System Configuration Module
A software module, produced by the AMX System Configuration
Builder, which defines the characteristics of a particular AMX
System Tick A multiple of the hardware clock tick from which the fundament al
AMX unit of time is derived. All time intervals in an AMX system
are measured in multiples of the system tick.
Tag A 4-character name that can be assigned to an y AMX system data
structure when it is created. A tag can be used to find the identifier
of a task, timer, semaphore, event group, message exchange or
buffer pool with a particular name.