Application Tasks
Restart Procedures can enable specific device interrupts if required. Note that interrupts
from a device should not be enabled until the application ISP has been installed and made
ready to handle the interrupting device.
Restart Procedures should not enable the processor interrupt system if your launch
parameter indicated that AMX was to execute with interrupts disabled during the launch.
In this case, AMX will disable interrupts upon completion of your Restart Procedure.
A Restart Procedure must not issue any AMX directives which would in any way
suspend or terminate task execution.
Restart Procedures use the AMX Kernel Stack. In addition to the minimum stack size
required for the AMX Kernel Stack, you must allocate sufficient stack to satisfy the worst
case requirements of all application Restart Procedures.
Restart Procedures must only use AMX services which are
marked in Chapter 16 as
n Restart Procedure