AMX Service Procedures
AMX 86 PC Supervisor Service Procedures
In addition to the services provided by AMX and its managers, the AMX 86 PC
Supervisor Library includes several C procedures which are of use only if the AMX 86
PC Supervisor is used by your application. These procedures are documented in Chapter
3.9 of the AMX 86 PC Supervisor Reference Manual.
ajbeep AABEEP Beep speaker
ajboot AABOOT Boot DOS
ajkbgc AAKBGC Get keyboard character
ajkbof AAKBOF Clear specific keyboard features
ajkbon AAKBON Set specific keyboard features
ajkbss AAKBSS Sense keyboard status
ajpdrl AAPDRL Release DOS
ajpdrp AAPDRP Reserve DOS (with priority)
ajpdrs AAPDRS Reserve DOS
ajspof AASPOF Turn speaker off
ajspon AASPON Turn speaker on