AMX 86 Procedures
ajtktag ajtktagPurpose Find a Task
Used by n Task o IS P o Timer Procedure n Restart Procedure n Exit Procedure
Setup char tag[4];
AMXID taskid;
int status;
status = ajtktag(&taskid, tag);
AX DX= [CX:DX] see note
Where &taskid is a pointer to storage for the task id of the task of interest.
tag is a pointer to a 4-character name identifying the task of interest.
Results Interrupts are untouched.
Status is returned.
AEROK = Call successful
AERNST = No task with matching task tag can be found
If more than one task was created with the same task tag, you will get back
the task id of one of them, but which one is not certain.
If the task with the given tag cannot be located, the task id in taskid will
be undefined.
Task tags are 4 characters long. All characters must match your search tag
Note A tag 'ABCD' is presented in register DX:CX with 'A' in CL and 'D' in
See Also ajtkid, ajtktcb, ajtkcre