AMX 86 Error Codes
B. AMX 86 Error CodesAMX error codes are signed integers. Codes less than zero are error codes. Codes
greater than zero are warning codes. To assist you during testing, the hexadecimal value
of the least significant 16-bits of the error code is listed as it might appear in a register or
memory dump.
Mnemonic Value Value Meaning
(dec) (hex)
AEROK *00Call successful
AERNST -1 0xFFFF No such task (invalid task id)
AERNME -2 0xFFFE No free message envelope
AERNMB -3 0xFFFD No mailbox (message queue) defined
AERMBF -4 0xFFFC Mailbox (message queue) full
AERWBT *-5 0xFFFB Wakened before timeout
AERTNW *-6 0xFFFA Task not waiting (after 2nd wake)
AERCNW *-7 0xFFF9 Calling task not waiting
AERNMT -8 0xFFF8 Message not from task AASEND call
-9 0xFFF7 reserved
-10 0xFFF6 reserved
-11 0xFFF5 reserved
AERRNY -12 0xFFF4 Resource not owned by you (caller)
AERNSP -13 0xFFF3 No such buffer pool (invalid buffer pool id)
AERBTS -14 0xFFF2 Buffer too small
AERBNU -15 0xFFF1 Buffer not in use
AERBUV -16 0xFFF0 Buffer use count overflow
AERITP -17 0xFFEF Invalid task priority
AERNTC -18 0xFFEE No free Task Control Block
AERNTM -19 0xFFED No free interval timer
AERANA -20 0xFFEC Task abort (stop, kill, delete) not allowed
AERIPR -21 0xFFEB Cannot read/write IVT (no IVT access provided)
AERNSS -22 0xFFEA No such semaphore (invalid semaphore id)
AERSIU *-23 0xFFE9 Semaphore in use
AERISV -24 0xFFE8 Invalid semaphore value
-25 0xFFE7 reserved
-26 0xFFE6 reserved
AERTMO *-27 0xFFE5 Timed out
AERNMG *-28 0xFFE4 No message available
AERCWT *-29 0xFFE3 Calling task still waiting
* Errors so marked are not trapped to your User Error Procedure.