AMX 86 Procedures
Where If the procedure has input parameters, they will be described narratively.
Results The outputs produced by the procedure are always defined.
The state of the carry, parity, auxiliary, zero, sign and overflow flags are
of no consequence when programming in C. In assembly language, the
zero and sign flags reflect the value of the error code AERxxxx, if any,
returned by AMX in register AX. The direction flag, if used, is always
restored to its original state.
AMX procedures frequently must deal with the processor interrupt enable
flag. The state of this flag upon exit from each AMX procedure is
All other 8086 processor flags are untouched by AMX.
Used By Some procedures such as ajentr cannot be called by any of your
application procedures listed at the top right corner of the page. The
allowable caller is explicitly identified.
Restrictions If any restrictions on the use of the procedure exist, they are described.
Note Special notes, suggestions or warnings are offered where necessary.
See Also A cross reference to other related AMX procedures is always provided if
All AMX procedures are coded as FAR procedures. Be sure that your C procedures
follow Medium or Large model conventions when calling AMX procedures.
Almost all AMX procedures only return integers, the default assumed by the C language.
All AMX procedures assume that an integer or unsigned integer is a 16-bit word value.
This assumption is consistent with the conventions adopted by most currently available
16-bit C compilers for the 80x86.