AMX Service Procedures
15. AMX Service Procedur es15.1 IntroductionThe AMX Library provides a wide variety of services from which the real-time system
designer can choose. Many of the services are optional and, if not used, will not even be
present in your final AMX system.
This section of the AMX User's Guide differs from the others because it is intended for
use as a programming guide. The remainder of this chapter introduces you to the AMX
programming environment. Chapter 16 provides descriptions of all of the procedures
which are available in the AMX Runtime Library in alphabetic order for easy reference.
All of the AMX procedures are described using the C programming language. It is
therefore recommended that you be at least superficially familiar with C.
A functional list of procedures is presented in Chapter 15.2. It is recommended that you
use that chapter in conjunction with the procedure descriptions in Chapter 16 as follows.
If you remember a procedure name but require information concerning its operation, go
straight to the procedure description in the alphabetic list of procedures in Chapter 16. If
you know what you wish to do functionally, but cannot remember the procedure name,
go to Chapter 15.2 to quickly locate the procedure and then proceed to Chapter 16 to find
its detailed description.