Generator Specifications
Each of your predefined message exchanges must be defined using the keyword ...MEX.
The order of these definitions will determine their order of creation by AMX. If you do
not wish to predefine any message exchanges, delete the line with keyword ...MEX.
The parameters in each message exchange definition are as follows:
MB0 Mailbox 0 depth
MB1 Mailbox 1 depth
MB2 Mailbox 2 depth
MB3 Mailbox 3 depth
MXTAG Message exchange tag
MXID Message exchange id variable name
Note that the message exchange tag must include exactly four displayable ch aracters.
Spaces and tabs are not allowed.
Each of your predefined buffer pools must be defined using the keyword ...PDT. The
order of these definitions will determine their order of creation by AMX. If you do not
wish to predefine any buffer pools, delete the line with keyword ...PDT.
The parameters in each buffer pool definition are as follows:
BPN Number of buffers in the buffer pool
BPS Size in bytes of each buffer
BPTAG Buffer pool tag
BPID Buffer pool id variable name
Note that the buffer pool tag must include exactly four displayable characters. Spaces
and tabs are not allowed.
If you intend to use the Memory Manager, replace symbol UPMAP with the name of your
Memory Assignment Procedure.
If you do not wish to use the Memory Manager, omit the line containing keyword
The configuration extensions specified by directive ...EXT are defined in the toolset
dependent chapters of the AMX 86 Tool Guide. Parameters BPED and BPXD provide the
breakpoint entry and exit delays for the Breakpoint Manager. Parameter PCSOPT provides
additional attributes for the AMX 86 PC Supervisor.