AMX Service Procedures
Timing Control
ajclk AACLK AMX Clock Handler
ajtick AATICK Read elapsed system ticks
ajtmcnv AATMCNV Convert milliseconds to system ticks
ajtmcre AATMCRE Create an interval timer
ajtmdel AATMDEL Delete an interval timer
ajtmrd AATMRD Read an interval timer
ajtmtag AATMTAG Find timer id of timer with a specific tag
ajtmwr AATMWR Start/stop an interval timer
ajtslv AATSLV Change a task's time slice interval
ajtsof AATSOF Disable time slicing
ajtson AATSON Enable time slicing
Time/Date Manager
ajtdf AATDF Format calendar time/date as an ASCII string
ajtdg AATDG Get calendar time/date
ajtds AATDS Set calendar time/date
Semaphore Manager
ajsmcre AASMCRE Create a semaphore
ajsmdel AASMDEL Delete a semaphore
ajsmfre AASMFRE Free a resource (unconditional)
ajsmget AASMGET Get use of a semaphore (no wait)
ajsmrls AASMRLS Release a resource (nested)
ajsmrsv AASMRSV Reserve a resource (optional timeout)
ajsmsig AASMSIG Signal to a semaphore
ajsmtag AASMTAG Find semaphore id of semaphore with a specific tag
ajsmwat AASMWAT Wait on a semaphore (optional timeout)
Event Manager
ajevcre AAEVCRE Create an event group
ajevdel AAEVDEL Delete an event group
ajevnt AAEVNT Get saved event flags
ajevrd AAEVRD Read current state of events in a group
ajevsig AAEVSIG Signal one or more events in a group
ajevtag AAEVTAG Find group id of event group with a specific tag
ajevwat AAEVWAT Wait for all/any of a set of events in a group
(optional timeout)