AMX Service Procedures
Message Exchange Manager
ajmxcre AAMXCRE Create a message exchange
ajmxdel AAMXDEL Delete a message exchange
ajmxget AAMXGET Get a message from a message exchange (no wait)
ajmxsnd AAMXSND Send message to a message exchange
ajmxtag AAMXTAG Find exchange id of message exchange with a specific tag
ajmxwat AAMXWAT Wait for message to arrive at a message exchange
(optional timeout)
Buffer Manager
ajbau AABAU Add to buffer use count
ajbcre AABCRE Create a buffer pool
ajbdel AABDEL Delete a buffer pool
ajbfre AABFRE Free a buffer
ajbget AABGET Get a buffer from a specific pool
ajbgsz AABGSZ Get size of buffer
ajbia AABIA Initialize all currently defined buffer pools
ajbip AABIP Initialize one buffer pool
ajbtag AABTAG Find pool id of a buffer pool with a specific tag
Memory Manager
ajmau AAMAU Add to block use count
ajmfre AAMFRE Free a block of memory
ajmgeh AAMGEH Get a block of memory from a private memory section
ajmget AAMGET Get a block of memory
ajmgsz AAMGSZ Get size of block of memory
ajmhan AAMHAN Create a handle to a private memory section
ajmset AAMSET Fill a block of memory with a pattern