AMX System Configuration
Task Tag
Each task can have a unique 4-character task tag. This parameter defines that tag.
Although AMX does not restrict the content of the task tag field, the Configuration
Manager only supports 4 ASCII characters as a tag.
This parameter defines the execution priority of the task. Application task priorities
range from 1 (highest) to 127 (lowest). More than one task can be given the same task
priority. Unless the task is time sliced, AMX will assign relative task priorities according
to the order in which the task definitions appear on the screen.
Id Variable
This parameter defines the name of a public variable of type AMXID in the System
Configuration Module in which AMX will save the task id of the task.
Task Procedure Name
This parameter defines the name of the procedure to be called when AMX starts the task.
Stack Size
Each application task requires a block of RAM storage for use as a stack. The minimum
stack size is 128 bytes. The stack size parameter must be a multiple of 4 bytes. If you
increase the AMX message size beyond the minimum allowed (see Chapter 14.4), you
must increase the size of all of your task stacks accordingly. In addition to this minimum,
you must allocate sufficient stack to satisfy the worst case requirements of the task.
If your task installs its own task trap handlers (see Chapter 4.5), increase your task's stack
by 64 bytes.
If you have any nonconforming ISPs, you must increase the stack size of all tasks to meet
the needs of these ISPs. No increase is needed if the ISP uses fewer than 40 bytes of
Time Slice
If the task is to be time sliced, you may specify the time slice interval in the task
definition. If time slicing is not required, set this parameter to 0.
This field will be disabled unless you have enabled the AMX time slice option by
checking the Time Slicing Required box on the System Parameter Window.
Time slicing is only effective if the task will be compute bound in competition with other
tasks of equal priority.
The task's time slice may also be altered dynamically by calling ajtslv when your
system is running.