AMX 86 Procedures
Results Interrupts are disabled and then restored to their state at the time of the
Status is returned.
AEROK = Call successful
AERNST = Invalid task id
AERNME = No free message envelope
AERNMB = No task mailbox of the specified priority
AERMBF = Task mailbox is full
An immediate switch to the highest priority ready task will occur.
If the call is successful, status will be >= 0. By definition, the value 0 is
the AMX error code AEROK. If status > 0, it implies that the task to
whom the message was sent wakened the caller using ajwakcs to return a
result to the caller. The positive value in variable status is the response
returned by that task.
Note The equivalent assembly language procedure is AASEND which receives the
parameters shown above.
See Also ajsenw, ajsend, ajwakc, ajwakcs