Class of AMX service
buffer pool, buffer 197
C language interface 199
circular list 198
counting semaphore 196
event group 196
interrupt control 194
linked list 198
memory allocation 197
message exchange 197
PC Supervisor 200
processor support 199
resource semaphore 196
system control 194
task control 195
task termination 195
time/date 196
timing control 196
Clock frequency 71, 172
Clock Handler 3, 15, 34, 65, 71–74
Clock installation 71–74
Clock Interrupt Handler 71–74
Clock ISP 15, 65, 71–74
Clock ISP root 71–74
Clock tick 3, 15, 69, 172
(see also System tick)
(Refer to AMX Tool Guides)
Compute bound 35, 85, 157
Concurrent execution 9
Configuration Builder 163–91
Configuration Generator 53, 164, 165, 166, 353–63
porting 164, 353–63
Configuration Manager 164–91
field editing 168, 169
menu selections 168
Configuration module
(see System Configuration Module)
Conforming ISP
(see also Clock ISP)
(see Interrupt Service Procedure, conforming)
Constant definitions 365–79
Constructing an AMX system
(Refer to AMX Tool Guides)
(see also Configuration Builder)
Context switching 13, 14, 15
Convert ms to system ticks 75
Coprocessor 101, 102, 152, 162
Critical code section 64, 157
DDay of week 85, 88, 89
(see Breakpoint Manager)
Debugging 159, 160, 161, 162
Debugging aid 46, 150, 151
Delay 34
Development tools
(Refer to AMX Tool Guides)
Device input/output services 199
DGROUP (see Groups)
Disable interrupts 199
Divide by zero 60, 61, 62, 63, 147
(Refer to AMX Tool Guides)
EEnable interrupts 199
(see Message envelope)
bounds 50
divide 50
overflow 50
Error codes 3, 150, 151, 349, 350
Error Procedure 150, 151, 175
Event group 3, 17, 58, 103–9
create 104, 105
delete 105
find id 105
flags 103, 105
id 3, 104–9, 186
initial state 105
ISP/task synchronization 58
maximum number 105, 174
predefine using Builder 185, 186
read 105
signal 17, 103, 105, 107, 108, 109
state 105
status 105
synchronization using 17, 105–9.
tag 105, 186
wait for event(s) 17, 105, 107, 108, 109
Event Manager 17, 33, 58, 103–9
Service Procedure Summary 196, 389
Exception traps 60, 61, 62, 63, 68
(see also Task, traps)
(see System, shutdown)
Exit codes
(see Fatal exit codes)
Exit Procedures 3, 16, 44, 45, 176, 177
interrupt state 44, 45
stack size 44, 45