AMX Service Procedures
Task Control
ajend AAEND End task execution
ajgmsg AAGMSG Get the highest priority message available
Optionally get a message of a specific priority
ajresum AARESUM Resume a suspended task
ajsend AASEND Start a task by sending it a message at one of 4 priorities
ajsenw Optionally wait for that task to receive the message
ajsgnl AASGNL Signal a task
ajsgrd AASGRD Read pending task signals
ajsgres AASGRES Reset pending task signals
ajsgwat AASGWAT Wait for task signals
ajsusp AASUSP Suspend a task
ajtkcre AATKCRE Create a new task
ajtkid AATKID Get task identifier of current task
ajtkpry AATKPRY Change a task's execution priority
ajtksts AJTKSTS Fetch task status
ajtktag AATKTAG Find task id of task with a specific task tag
ajtktcb AATKTCB Fetch pointer to a Task Control Block
ajtrig AATRIG Start (trigger) a task with no message
ajwait AAWAIT Wait for a wake request
ajwakc AAWAKC Wake a task upon receipt of its message
ajwakcs AAWAKCS Wake a task upon receipt of its message;
return status to that task
ajwake AAWAKE Wake a task which is waiting
ajwapr AAWAPR Reset pending wake for current task
ajwatm AAWATM Wait for a timed interval or until a wake request occurs
Task Termination Services
ajtkdel AATKDEL Delete a task
ajtkill AATKILL Kill a task by forcing it to stop; flush its message mailboxes
ajtkstp AATKSTP Force a task to stop
ajtktrm AATKTRM Enable/disable abnormal task termination