AMX Service Procedures
Circular List Manager
ajabl AAABL Add to bottom of circular list
ajatl AAATL Add to top of circular list
ajrbl AARBL Remove from bottom of circular list
ajrstl AARSTL Reset a circular list
ajrtl AARTL Remove from top of circular list
Linked List Manager
ajlcre AALCRE Create an empty list
ajlhead AALHEAD Find head of a list
ajlinsc AALINSC Insert before the specified object on a list
ajlinsh AALINSH Insert at the head of a list
ajlinsk AALINSK Insert into a keyed list
ajlinst AALINST Insert at the tail of a list
ajlmerg AALMERG Merge two lists
ajlnext AALNEXT Find next object on a list (walk towards tail)
ajlordk AALORDK Reorder object on a keyed list
ajlprev AALPREV Find previous object on a list (walk towards head)
ajlrmvc AALRMVC Remove specified object from a list
ajlrmvh AALRMVH Remove object from the head of a list
ajlrmvt AALRMVT Remove object from the tail of a list
ajltail AALTAIL Find tail of a list