AMX System Configuration
Each message exchange can have a unique 4-character message exchange tag. This
parameter defines that tag. Although AMX does not restrict the content of the message
exchange tag field, the Configuration Manager only supports 4 ASCII characters as a tag.
Id Variable
This parameter defines the name of a public variable of type AMXID in the System
Configuration Module in which AMX will save the message exchange id of the message
Message Queue Depths
These four parameters define the maximum number of message envelopes which can
reside in each of the four message queues of the message exchange. Message queue 0 is
the highest priority queue; queue 3 is the lowest priority.
Depths may range from 0 to 32767. If a particular message queue for a message
exchange is to be unused, set its depth to zero. Other message queues may still be used.
At least one message queue must be used. The maximum depth for a message queue
does not affect AMX memory requirements.