AMX 86 Procedures
ajbia ajbiaPurpose Initialize (Reset) All Buffer Pools
Used by n Task o IS P o Timer Procedure n Restart Procedure n Exit Procedure
Setup int status;
status = ajbia();
Results Interrupts are disabled and then restored to their state at the time of the
Status is returned.
AEROK = Call successful
AERBTS = Buffer size defined for some pool is too small
If this error occurs, the Buffer Manager's private data has
been corrupted. You should consider this error to be fatal.
Restrictions This procedure would only be called when your AMX system is running if
it is your intent to reset ALL of your currently defined buffer pools. It is
called automatically by the Buffer Manager when your AMX system is
No buffer management operations or alteration of buffer contents may
take place during initialization. All buffers in all pools are initialized even
if they are currently in use. Contents of buffers will be altered.
See Also ajbip