AMX System Configuration
Maximum Number o f Semaphores
This parameter defines the maximum number of resource and counting semaphores
which your system can support concurrently. If you do not require any semaphores, set
this parameter to 0. Otherwise, the parameter should be set to the number of predefined
semaphores (see Chapter 14.9) plus the maximum number of resource or counting
semaphores that you will dynamically create using ajsmcre.
Maximum Number of Event Groups
This parameter defines the maximum number of event groups which your system can
support concurrently. If you do not require any event groups, set this parameter to 0.
Otherwise, the parameter should be set to the number of predefined event groups (see
Chapter 14.10) plus the maximum number of event groups that you will dynamically
create using ajevcre.
Maximum Number of Message Exchanges
This parameter defines the maximum number of message exchanges which your system
can support concurrently. If you do not require any message exchanges, set this
parameter to 0. Otherwise, the parameter should be set to the number of predefined
message exchanges (see Chapter 14.11) plus the maximum number of message
exchanges that you will dynamically create using ajmxcre.
Maximum Number of Buffer Pools
This parameter defines the maximum number of buffer pools which your system can
support concurrently. If you do not require any buffer pools, set this parameter to 0.
Otherwise, the parameter should be set to the number of predefined buffer pools (see
Chapter 14.12) plus the maximum number of buffer pools that you will dynamically
create using ajbcre.