AMX 86 Procedures
ajtktcb ajtktcbPurpose Get Task Control Block Pointer
Used by n Task n IS P n Timer Procedure n Restart Procedure n Exit Procedure
Setup #include "amx831sd.h"
struct amxtcbs *tcbp;
AMXID taskid;
int status;
status = ajtktcb(taskid, &tcbp);
Where taskid is the task id of the task for which the Task Control Block pointer
is required.
&tcbp is a pointer to storage for the pointer to the Task Control Block.
The structure amxtcbs is defined in header file AMX831SD.H (see
Appendix D).
Results Interrupts are untouched.
If the taskid is invalid, NULL (0L) is returned in tcbp.
Status is returned.
AEROK = Call successful
AERNST = Invalid task id
Do not use the Task Control Block pointer provided by this procedure if
there is any chance that the corresponding task could be deleted while the
TCB pointer is in your possession.
See Also ajtkid, ajtktag, ajtkdel