AMX 86 Procedures
ajwait ajwaitPurpose Wait Unconditionally for a Wake Request
Used by n Task o IS P o Timer Procedure o Restart Procedure n Exit Procedure
Setup ajwait();
Results Interrupts are enabled.
The task will be suspended until some other task, ISP or Timer Procedure
issues an ajwake call to wake this task.
If a task has an outstanding wake request pending when it calls ajwait,
the task will continue execution immediately without waiting.
If there is any possibility that some task, ISP or Timer Procedure has
already issued an ajwake call to wake this task, you should call ajwapr to
reset any pending wake request before calling ajwait.
Note This procedure provides a simplified form of the task signal wait without
timeout (see ajsgwat).
See Also ajwatm, ajwake, ajwapr, ajsgwat